Heat Management
Infrasound Cleaning
Increasing availability, efficiency and lifetime for industrial boilers
By harnessing the power of infrasound, Heat Management offers sootcleaning solutions to prevent soot build-up on economizers, air pre-heaters, catalysts, precipitators, and ducts. Keeping your boiler clean throughout the season brings great environmental benefits and saves money at the same time.
Infrasound Cleaners from Heat Management can increase the availability, lifetime and efficiency of industrial boilers. The Infrasound Cleaner is tailor-designed to meet every customer's specific needs and to maximize the cleaning effect for every boiler. Infrasound Cleaning has many applications: Economizers, Catalysts, Air-preheaters, ESP, Ducts, and Goose Necks. Many successful installations have been carried out on Smoke Tube Boilers, Waste-to-Energy/Biofuel boilers, Catalysts, CFB/BFB Boilers.
Infrasound Cleaner installed on a Smoke tube boiler
Infrasound Cleaner(turquoise) installed on a Power Boiler
Infrasound Cleaner(turquoise) installed on SCR
Infrasound Cleaner installed on a Waste-to-Energy Boiler
Infrasound Cleaners are always tailored to each customer's specific needs, which means that the results are not always the same. But common results are:
- Reduced or eliminated manual cleaning.
- Increased availability of the boiler.
- Stabilized differential pressure.
- Increased boiler efficiency.
- Higher and stable production output.
- Increased boiler life expectancy.
Contact us to learn more about the benefits of infrasound cleaning!