flexible air ducts

Providing durability, safety and ease of construction:
DEC flexible air ducts
DEC International (Dutch Environment Corporation b.v.) of the Netherlands has some 40 years of experience in the manufacture and sales of flexible ducts for air conditioning, ventilation and heating. It is one of the world's largest manufacturers of flexible ducts. From its production and sales facility in Netherlands, DEC International delivers their flexible hoses and accessories to wholesalers and distributors all over the world. The company is ISO 9001:2015 certified since 1994.
DEC ducts' combination of high durability and safety and ease of construction is widely known, not only in Europe but around the globe. The ducts' multi-layer aluminum construction gives them the durability needed for use in difficult applications. The construction means that, should a fire occur, the ducts will not spread fire or release toxic gases. They are also highly compressible, reducing the space needed for trucking or storage, making for more efficient on-site work. High-performance DEC ducts are used in the air condition and ventilation systems of office and commercial buildings, apartments, and individual homes for air supply, exhaust, and cooling applications.
DEC international Products

Aludec ducts are flexible, strong laminate ducts for various purposes. The ducts consist of several layers of aluminium and polyester, with a high tensile steel spiral helix enclosed between the layers. The duct can be attached to round and oval connection parts without any problems.

Combidec ducts are solid, very flexible, extremely strong laminate ducts for different ranges of application. The base of the Combidec series is an aluminum/polyester laminate duct. The duct is strengthened with an outer jacket of copolymer for higher durability. The ducts can be attached easily to round and oval connection parts without any problems.

The Isodec consists of an aluminium laminate inner duct, thermally insulated with a glass wool layer and provided with an aluminium laminated outer jacket.
The thermal insulation is suitable for preventing condensation and minimizing heat loss and loss of cold.

The Sonodec consists of a perforated aluminum/polyester laminate inner duct thermally and acoustically insulated with glass wool and is provided with an aluminium laminated outer jacket. A plastic barrier between the duct and the glass wool prevents the diffusion of glass wool particles.

Multiband & clamps

